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Sideline Farms About us Image.jpeg

Family farming since 1858!  SideLine Farms, owned and operated by the Collette family, is nestled in the heart of the Pleasant Vale Community of Chuckey, TN.  Here at SideLine Farms, we are passionate about agriculture and sharing our farm stories and knowledge.  Angus and Limousin cattle are raised on the 190 acre farm as well as hay and dairy heifers. 


Our story: The Leib family owned a portion of this land and the Collette family owned a  neighboring portion.  Mary Lou Leib and Wade Collette grew up less than a mile apart from each other.  Both working on their family's neighboring farms, it wasn't long until sparks flew and love blossomed.  Fast forward a few years when a young Mary Lou and Wade decided to marry!  This union combined the neighboring farms; and SideLine Farms was born.  Through 40 years of marriage,  they welcomed three children: Dale, Nedra, and Kevin. 


Today, all of the children have grown up, married, and have children of their own.  However, two of the children, Dale and Kevin, along with their families, are the current owners and operators of SideLine Farms.


SideLine Farms raised registered Guernsey and Jersey cattle and operated a dairy until the 1990's when the difficult decision was made to sell the milking herd.  Today, Angus and Limousin beef cattle graze on the farms 190 acres.  SideLine Farms still raise and show dairy heifers.  SLF partners with sister Nedra and her husband Tim Armstrong, owner and operators of Horse Creek Farms. SLF raises the dairy heifers until they calve and are ready to be milked, cows are then moved about 7 miles away to Tim and Nedra's dairy.  SLF still participates in many dairy cattle shows all over the country!


We welcome opportunities to discuss agriculture as well as share knowledge with family, friends, and consumers.  We, at SideLine Farms, want to share our passion for agriculture. We want to produce and provide top quality beef products for your family; the same top quality beef products we produce for our own families.


 We want to be your "farm to fork" stop for fresh quality beef.

Agriculture has been a part of this family for over 160 years!  And, we hope our children and generations to come will continue this passion for farming. 

This is our "why."

Certifications and Organizations


Master Beef Producer Certification

Youth Animal Welfare Certification

Freezer Beef Institute - UT Agriculture Extension Service


Member of:  

East TN Cattle Alliance

Farm Bureau

Greene County Angus Association

Greene County Cattleman Association

Guernsey Association - TN and National Associations

Jersey Association - TN and National Associations

Tennessee Cattleman's Youth Association

Washington County Cattleman Association


Recognized as a TN Century Farm


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